
Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Wild Wood Tour Schedule & Giveaways!

So back in March while I was hosting Indie Girl March I was contacted
 by another wonderful Indie and asked about reviewing her books! To
say I liked them is a HUGE understatement!  I LOVED The Wild Wood
and you can see proof of it HERE in my review!  So when Julie had told 
me that she hadn't really gotten this book out into the world I was determined
to help!  Now we have the tour listed below with some amazing reviewers
and great stops!

The Tour


September 2-  **REVIEW** Allison @ Indie Supporter<- rescheduled
September 3-  **REVIEW & Interview**  Andrea @ Bookish
September 4-  **REVIEW** Sunny @ Love Affair with an e-Reader
September 5-  **REVIEW** Nazia @ That Artsy Girl's Book Blog <-did not post or reschedule
September 6-  **REVIEW** Kristie @ Lost in Ever After
                         **REVIEW** Leigh @ Little Book Star<-rescheduled

(No Weekend Posts)
September 9-  **REVIEW** Jennifer @ Donnie Darko Girl
                  **REVIEW** Leigh @ Little Book Star
September 10- **REVIEW** Jessica @ The Lovely Books
September 11- **REVIEW** Stephanie @ In Wonderland
September 12- **REVIEW** Dawn @ Read That
September 13- **REVIEW**  Brittany @ Spare Time Book Blog
                         **GUEST POST** ~Shelf Envy~ Joy @ Joyous Reads 
There will also be a GIVEAWAY at each stop!!  Each Blog will be giving away
a SIGNED copy of The Wild Wood and a $10 Amazon GC!!

There will be 12 chances to win!!  How awesome is that?!  So Please follow along and find out why I and these ladies fell for this book and amazing author!!!

About the Author

Julie Anne Nelson's passion for young adult fiction stemmed from her six years teaching middle school social studies and English. Her goal now is to add a new voice to the already impressive landscape of young adult writers. Julie currently works as a technical editor and in her free time writes like there is no tomorrow, reads like a junky, and pines for opportunities to wear her favorite high heels.

Find Julie

Friday, August 30, 2013

~Book Blitz~ Aberrant by Ruth Silver

Aberrant (Aberrant )by Ruth Silver
Release Date: 04/17/13

Available from:
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In the future Dystopian society of Cabal, the government instills equality for all and offers its citizens the perfect system. There is food, shelter and jobs for everyone. The one requirement is to follow the rules without question, including the government's match in marriage and "The Day of the Chosen", a lottery that randomly selects families to conceive children as natural means hasn't existed in generations. Following her eighteenth birthday, Olivia Parker accepts her requirement to marry her childhood best friend, Joshua Warren, and is eager to start her work assignment and new life when it all comes abruptly to an end as she's arrested and thrown in prison. The only crime committed, her existence. Olivia is unlike the rest of the world born not from "The Day of the Chosen." The truth haunts the government and puts her life in grave danger as one simple fact would destroy the perfect system.

With Joshua's help, Olivia breaks free of prison and is forced on the run. Together they set out to find the promised rebel town in search of a new home and new life together. Their situation seems less than promising as they reach the town of Haven. New rules and customs must be adhered to in order to stay. Leaving would mean most certain death in the large expanse of the Gravelands. Time is running out as the government mounts an attack to destroy Olivia and bury her secret with her. Thrown into a world unlike their own, they must quickly adapt to survive.

About the Author

Ruth Silver first began writing poetry as a teenager and reading heaps of fan fiction in her free time. She has written under three unique pseudo names and penned well over a hundred stories.

She attended Northern Illinois University in 2001 and graduated with a Bachelor's in Communication. While in college she spent much of her free time writing with friends she met online and penning her first novel, "Deuces are Wild", which she self-published in 2004. Her favorite class was Creative Writing senior year where she often handed in assignments longer than the professor required because she loved to write and always wanted to finish her stories.

Her love of writing, led her on an adventure in 2007 to Melbourne, Australia. Silver enjoys reading YA novels and sharing her favorite books with other readers. She runs her own book blog and also enjoys photography and traveling.

Her favorite YA genre is a mix of Dystopian & Fantasy which is evident in the upcoming release of her latest book, Aberrant. Slated for release April 2013 by Lazy Day Publishing, it is the first in a trilogy.

***Author Links***
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1 signed paperback of Aberrant (US only)
3 scrabble tile necklace charms & signed bookmark (INT)
3 bottlecap keychains & signed bookmark (INT)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Blitz Organized by:

Thursday, August 29, 2013

~Double Cover Reveal~ Before & Beyond by Melissa Pearl

Mrs. Potter’s Book Publicity Services Presents:
A Double Cover Reveal for author Melissa Pearl!

(Betwixt Novella #0.5)

Dale Finnigan is a teenage rebel; he lives for parties, girls and joy riding in stolen cars. In spite of his uptight parents' constant warnings and lectures, he continues to run wild. His crazy lifestyle is the only way he can live and feel free…until his reckless behavior takes him down a path where there is no going back.

In this prequel to BETWIXT, find out who Dale Finnigan was before he became known as “scar-face”—the unassuming hero everyone underestimates.

Add BEFORE to your Goodreads TBR List

(Betwixt Novella #1.5)

Have you ever been so in love with someone, but not had the courage to tell them?
Nicole Tepper is that girl. She loves her boyfriend Dale, but fearing rejection, keeps her feelings buried deep. She can’t even let on how heartbroken she is when Dale begins applying for colleges thousands of miles away from her; never even whispering a word about how much she wishes he would stay close.

But, when Dale is rejected from Colombia University in NYC, due to a police report that follows him wherever he goes, Nicole soon discovers that love can drive her to do things she never thought possible.

There's more than one way to say, I love you and Nicole Tepper is about to prove to Dale that she loves him beyond all common sense.

Add BEYOND to your Goodreads TBR List

Cover Designs By: Eden Crane Design


“I used to be a full time teacher (11-13 year olds) then I became a full time mother. During that time I also found my passion for writing. Over the last ten years I have been studying the craft and putting myself out there.
My first trilogy came out in November, 2011. It has been a wild ride swimming in this indie river and I have loved so much of it. I have learned so many amazing things and met so many great people. It has totally solidified the fact I want to be a writer for as long as I possibly can!
I now have five books published and am working on a new YA Fantasy trilogy for 2013. I am having so much fun with it and can't wait to share it with everybody.
I am from New Zealand, but am currently living in China with my husband and two sons. It has been a culture shock, but it's pretty cool living in such a different country.” ~Melissa Pearl

Find Melissa

**REVIEW** Star Cursed by Jessica Spotswood

Published By:  Putman Juvenile

Release Date: June 18, 2013
Review Copy:  Hardcover, 384 pages
                           from Penguin Canada 


With the Brotherhood persecuting witches like never before, a divided Sisterhood desperately needs Cate to come into her Prophesied powers. And after Cate's friend Sachi is arrested for using magic, a war-thirsty Sister offers to help her find answers—if Cate is willing to endanger everyone she loves.

Cate doesn't want to be a weapon, and she doesn't want to involve her friends and Finn in the Sisterhood's schemes. But when Maura and Tess join the Sisterhood, Maura makes it clear that she'll do whatever it takes to lead the witches to victory. Even if it means sacrifices. Even if it means overthrowing Cate. Even if it means all-out war.

In the highly anticipated sequel to Born Wicked, the Cahill Witch Chronicles continue Cate, Maura and Tess's quest to find love, protect family, and explore their magic against all odds in an alternate history of New England.

  Witches and I normally are not a good combination.  It is just how things have been for me, I want to read them and love them but they fall short.  Last year when I picked up Born Wicked things started to change and Star Curse had only made things better!  The stakes are higher, the emotional ups and downs almost killed me and the ending damn near tore my heart out.  This series is so much more than witches, so much more than three sisters trying to change the oppression people live in.  You get all the goodness of those things but you also get the personal struggle and lessons learned from the girls. This one is a roller coaster of everything and I am so glad I went along for the ride.

  The Cahill sisters are special, prophesied about and both the Brotherhood and Sisterhood wants them but for different reasons.  I'm at this point not sure where more of the evil sys because the lines are becoming blurred.  Not that I agree with the tight restrictions that the Brotherhood has now enforced and how hard they are with their punishments but there are a few that aren completely in agreement with what is going on.  The same thing goes for the Sisters, I think it's all just a matter of who is in power.  There are some of them that don't just want to fix things for the better but are willing to risk everything to gain enough power to be on top, to gain complete power over everything and everyone.

  Cate is the first witch I have ever truly loved.  I have enjoyed some here and there but it is Cate that set the bar higher than ever before and creating room for witchy reads in the future.  Cate is quite simply a character that you want to read, you want to see victorious and you have nothing but respect for.  In this book more than ever I felt for her and despite all her strength I expected her to crumble...she didn't.  Now there is a little bit of anger that has been sparked and truth be told if I were her I would have flat out lost it but somehow she pulls on the strength that made me love her so much and for the most part raised above the anger.  This isn't saying that she didn't let it out but she also didn't strangle someone like I may have been tempted  to do.  All I am going to say is that she has some of her hope returned to her just to have someone close to hear rip her heart out and yet she still stands tall and believes in what has to be done.

  The return of Cate's sisters was perfect in this book.  I figured it would happen but it was a matter of how soon, turns out it was fairly early on and for good reason.  Maura and Tess are basically polar opposites and so is my opinion of them.  Now I am sorry to all of the Maura fans out there but I felt nothing like doing nothing but shaking this girl and possibly pushing her off of her high hoarse.  Now she has always been ambitious but something has turned in her and I fear that she is becoming dangerous, someone (sister or not) that is just not to be trusted.  There is this tiny part of me that says the one you can't trust turns out to be the one you should trust but for the most part I just can't get over the freaking attitude and mistreatment that she gives those that she feels beneath her.  Tess I have always loved, with her logic and calm that is beyond her years.  Now more than ever I wanted to hug her and protect her just like Cate does but the fact of the matter is Tess is growing up.  She is kind of like Cate in the sense that she is selfless and only wants to help others.

  With everything coming to a head: the Brotherhood, the Sisterhood, townspeople and even the Cahill sisters this one was so hard to put down...until the end.  I put it down harder than I would like to admit.  I don't enjoy cliffhangers but I normally tolerate them but this one not only left me hanging but with a heavy/broken heart and I may or may not have ranted for the rest of the day about it (much to my husbands confusion).  Despite all of this I did love the book and where it went.  I think a large part of me knew something like that was coming but denied it up until the last moment.  If you read the first book (Born Wicked) this is a MUST have now!  If you haven't pick them both up and get started right away.  If you are like me and are normally hesitant when it comes to witches, don't be because you may end up like me and start looking for more!

  But that would mean accepting that this is my home now--that my place is here among these strangers, that my future lies with the Sisterhood, not with Finn.

  For a few moments, my entire world consists of Finn--his mouth, his hands.  Eventually, I pull away, burrowing my cold face into his neck.  He shivers and wraps both arms around me.

"You're a fighter, aren't you, Cate Cahill?  Even when you were a child, you had a temper.  Lord, you were such a ragamuffin.  Always chasing that neighbor boy of yours."

  She slams the door behind her, and I sink down onto my bed, head in my hands.  Is she right?  Have Cora's pretty compliments only been flattery, because I'm a better alternative than Inez?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

**REVIEW** Gated by Amy Christine Parker

Release Date:  August 6, 2013
Published By:  Random House Book for Young   Readers
Length:  352 pages
Review Copy:  Provided by Random House Canada in turn                                 for honest review.

Buy It:
Amazon~B&N~Book Depository

Do the gates keep the unchosen out or the chosen in?

In Mandrodage Meadows, life seems perfect. The members of this isolated suburban community have thrived under Pioneer, the charismatic leader who saved them from their sad, damaged lives. Lyla Hamilton and her parents are original members of the flock. They moved here following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, looking to escape the evil in the world. Now seventeen, Lyla knows certain facts are not to be questioned:

Pioneer is her leader.

Will is her Intended.

The end of the world is near.

Like Noah before him, Pioneer has been told of the imminent destruction of humanity. He says his chosen must arm themselves to fight off the unchosen people, who will surely seek refuge in the compound's underground fortress--the Silo.

Lyla loves her family and friends, but given the choice, she prefers painting to target practice. And lately she'd rather think about a certain boy outside the compound than plan for married life in the Silo with Will. But with the end of days drawing near, she will have to pick up a gun, take a side, and let everyone know where she stands.

  This book was done within a day and I honestly became completely invested in the story.  Maybe this is because I am a silly girl and did not realize what was at the heart of this story because I had never read a single review or really looked past the amazing cover and alluring synopsis.  Turns out that this was not the apocalyptic novel I thought I was diving into and you can call me naive or whatever you may like but I had no idea what this really was.  Then I saw the cover says "Thriller" and I decided not too far in that I had made a mistake but a wonderful one.  This book was better because it wasn't what I expected and took me into a world I would have never thought of venturing into.

   There is way more to this story than I had initially expected.  Not that it was complicated or hard to follow but it was something that if you are like me and are not aware where this read is going to take you and what it is really about, it is more captivating.  This book was amazing in its ability to show the power of words and just how willing people are to believe in something given the right circumstances.  These are people that feel they are being saved from the end by a prophet and have faith in every word, every vision he has.  This guy is beyond a master at what he does and maybe he even believes part of the venom he shares.  Being segregated and only told what a person wants you to know can narrow down anyones ideas of what the world is really like and for the children, they know no other life.  This read actually opened my eyes as to just how easy it is for some people to fall in a line and believe in something and not always because they aren't in sound mind.

  No part of me didn't go out to Lyla.  She lived and grew up in a world that was sheltered and gave impressions of the outside world that were frightening.  I don't believe that the book was meant for you to feel sorry for her but so many moments had my heart going out to her.  She ended up here with her family because of the horrific loss of her sister but because she was still young when they got there, there isn't much beyond the community that she worries about.  Lyla does however have a hard time accepting that she should kill the people beyond the gated community should the need arise.  She is the one person that even though she believes, she hopes Pioneer is wrong and is open to ideas outside of her home.  Despite being a part of the single minded community, Lyla is strong in her own way and was extremely easy to like,

  Were do I start with the men in this book.  No they are not all romantic and you will all be happy to know that there is no triangle (they have appointed partners).  No there are three men/boys that really all played their own part in this story.  Pioneer was quite possibly the most influential because of his status as leader and prophet of Mandrodage Meadows.  It was actually him and his behaviour that tipped me off as to what was really going on.  Bit by bit  you kind of get a first hand account of the cult leader and just how far you can get with a charismatic personality and the right words and promises.  Like that Will is her intended and they are just meant to be.  I liked Will for loving Lyla and being sweet but he was ultimately only doing what he was told and living with what he was told.  There was no room for questions or hesitation with Will and it left a bad taste in my mouth.  Cody was a bright light in a dark tunnel and the start of the end and that is in many different ways.  We really don't get to know much about this boy but he is the one that tries to open Lyla's eyes.

  Everything above is a condensed version because I could talk in many different ways about many different things with this read.  I was beyond captivated from the start because of the mystery and by the end I was hanging by a thread with the anticipation.  Reading about this community and their beliefs was hard at times though because many of us would call it a cult and ultimately that is what it is but to the people that are on the inside of it all it is just the way of life.  For me this is a learning experience and I am glad that I went in not knowing what I was stepping into because it pulled me through the more descriptive start and kept my mind moving.  This is truly a unique read that I enjoyed on many levels and I look forward to more riveting reads from this talented author.

"I don't know.  It's just that everytime I look at those stupid targets, I see actual people--like you or Brian or Will.  What if somehow we got stuck outside the Silo and needed help?  I mean, how do any of them out there even know it's the end?  Pioneer chose to save us, but does anyone else have any idea the end is coming?  Wouldn't they already be here, fighting to get in?"

Then he told us stories about the aliens that waited for us across the universe.  He showed us drawings he'd made of their slim bodies and large black eyes, pointed to the galaxy where they lived on a map, and described how wonderful their world is.  He said that he had seen it all in the visions the Brethren gave him.

  She shrugs.  "So then you're not like a cult or something?"
  That's the second time one of them has used that word.  Pioneer has always said that they would.  He says any religious or political group-any group at all where people are passionate about something-is considered one.

He's basically describing  my reaction to him.  He's my Cheeto-bad for me, but now that I have a taste for him, I can't leave him alone.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

**REVIEW** Silver Heart by Victoria Green

Release Date: July 25, 2013
Published By: Author
Review Copy: eARC

Purchase It:

  There comes a moment in everyone’s life when they must decide which road leads to personal happiness. For Dylan Silver, this is that moment…

  For the past twenty-two-years, Dylan has been living in her parents' carefully crafted world, always putting her own dreams on hold to play the role of a dutiful daughter.

  So when her best friend coaxes her into a winter getaway to a mountain cabin, she sees it as a chance to forget about the responsibilities waiting for her at home. At least for a little while.

  But then her past catches up to her—in the form of sexy snowboarder, Sawyer Carter.

  Six years ago, Dylan bid goodbye to the only boy she ever truly loved. Now he's standing right in front of her, bringing up bittersweet memories and igniting suppressed desires as he dares her to be the person she has always wanted to be.

  Dylan and Sawyer’s unexpected meeting is a second chance, but will a girl who doesn't believe in fate and taking risks be able to overcome her fears of losing control and finally embrace the life she desperately wants?

  Only one thing is certain: after a week in Whistler, Dylan's world will never be the same.

*Please note that this novel contains mature subject matter, including strong language and sexual situations that may not be suitable for all readers. Reader/buyer discretion is advised.*

  I could not lie to any of you and when I tell you I am loving the New Adult explosion, it is no exaggeration.  Like all good things though (especially in books) you tend to start to read in a groove.  A groove that authors create and run in because it works and though things are different here and there they just stick with what works and who could blame them?  With Silver Heart Ms. Green has exceeded my NA expectations and had me falling for every single character and holding my breath while sweating it out with Dylan.

  Is it possible to have depth in a story while still keeping it interesting?  Absolutely!  I can not say that I don't ever see it or that I see it infrequently because that would not be the truth.  However the way Green wrote took the depth, the growth and the romance and rolled it out into on smooth story.  There were ups and downs for the characters without a doubt but everything flowed and was there for a reason.  There is enough of a background you understand why things are the way they are but there is also enough reasons for doubt and change.  This is NA and it lives that up right to the fullest.  This was romance and full blown steamy scenes done extremely well and yet they were still tasteful and not vulgar...Tho admittedly there were a few times that I may have flushed a little but hey when it comes to romance do we all not have moments.

  I really enjoyed Dylan...A LOT.  It seems that Green has managed to create a enjoyable and still believable character.  She does not come from a hard past or an unloving family but maybe a family that was overly ambitious.  Parents  want what is best for their children but sometimes it consumes and destroys who the child is.  Dylan had lost her passion, her personal light and fight but the trip Maddie plans changes everything.  I loved watching Dylan grow throughout the novel and battle with herself.  She is not the girl that sees guy and forgets everything that was planned in her life but she does stop and consider just how much of what is going on is what she actually wanted.  There are times that I just wanted her to stop thinking so much and jump but that is where Sawyer comes in.  Life is the paths we take and the ones we choose but it is when we let loose and give up control that we learn what freedom is like.

  So how do you start something about a guy that basically melts you into a puddle every time he sets foot on a page.  Sawyer was amazing beyond all worlds, this guy is the embodiment of sexy.  Heck he makes me want to take up snowboarding, which is something I have never dared to try because of my lack of coordination.  What makes Sawyer so amazing is not only his good looks and obvious talent but he is a sweet, thoughtful and talented in more than just snowboarding individual!  While I will not divulge into exactly what those talents are (everything) but I will tell you that there is basically nothing about this guy that I did not like.  Admittedly the girls hanging all over him was slightly annoying but understandable with his looks, personality and status.  Strangely enough though it was when he was with Dylan and bringing out the best in her, when I loved him the most.  Despite every need, every want and everything he has, Sawyer was more than willing to work for Dylan.  Sometimes I felt he was being a horrible tease but it worked out for the both of them.

  Though Dylan and Sawyer are the stars of the show I really feel the need to mention Maddy (Dylan's best friend) and Adam (Dylan's brother).  I LOVE Maddy with all of my heart.  She is a fun person and an amazing best friend.  She is the type of girl that holds nothing back and believes in living in the moment no matter what that moment is and where it takes her.  Not to mention she is the loud voice of unreason when it comes to Dylan and the reason that she is able to finally let loose a little.  Maddy is also the reason we meet Adam.  Adam is basically everything that his parents want him and Dylan to be but wound up a little tighter.  His relationship with his sister has been rocky and distant but they are still siblings at heart.  He drove me nuts and yet in the end I found a little extra understanding with him and found peace with who he is.

  With romance bursting out of the seams with this one it would be unbelievably hard not to love it.  Not to mention with all of that romance there was still a story and great character development.  Victoria Green is an expert already with this debut release at capturing readers attention and developing a steamy romance that will have you turning the pages and begging for more.  This is more than romance, astounding characters and a good plot, it is masterful writing and a story that you wont want to put down.  If you are falling in love with NA pick this baby up because you will be in lust love.

 Fate demanded utter, infallible submission, and I wasn't very good at surrendering control.  I liked following a set path, felt a sense of comfort in knowing how a story would end before it even started.  Yes, I was one of those people-the type who flipped to the very last page of a book and read the final sentence just to ensure that I had full power over every surprising twist along the way.

  Maddie's free spirited attitude had brought me out of my shell.  she knew how awkward I was in social situations, so she constantly pushed me to take more risks and be bolder by challenging me to overcome my introversion.

  I knew it all.  I knew him.  He was the one guy I always wanted and would never have.  He was the forbidden fruit  my parents disapproved of.  And he was the second person, aside from my grandfather, that fate had taken away from me.

  Our bodies entwined, we drifted under, not wanting to disengage our lips in an attempt ascend.  I was running out of breath, but it didn't matter.  It was not oxygen I needed.  Not now.  I had Sawyer.

   But I knew it wasn't just the lack of sex that had me craving Sawyer.  I wasn't some romance novel heroine who was unable to keep my legs closed as I drooled over anything with a heartbeat.

He rewarded my response with a husky groan.  My zipper ripped open and his kisses grew more intense, drawing out soft moans from the back of my throat.  Frigid air washed over the exposed skin of my stomach, though as his right hand slid down my front, I felt nothing but warmth between my legs.

Monday, August 26, 2013

**REVIEW** Centaur Rivalry by Nancy Straight

  The Centaur world is rocked as news spreads of the Lost Herd, Camille's existence, and her Centaur protector. A death order against Camille's father and family sends all into hiding. 

  Camille and Drake leave the country pursued by the Lost Herd as well as by Centaur Council enforcers. Camille's twin brother Cameron is manipulated by the Council Head and is quickly becoming her newest enemy.

 Amid unexpected new protectors, enemies, and romances, Camille and Drake make their plans to travel to Africa to confront the Centaur Council. They hope acceptance of Camille as Chiron's heir, yet knowing that her link to the Lost Herd could require them to kill or to be killed.

Release Date:  April 29, 2013
Published By:  Createspaces
Review Copy: Paperback, 264 pages
*Gift from Author


 With every book I pick up of Nancy's I think "How will she top the last one?"  Well let me tell you people she does it every single time!  Nancy Straight is without a doubt one of the best Indie authors I know and the Touched series is by far one of my favourite series all around, this includes traditionally published series.  I was blown away right from the start with the calliper of the writing and the sheer creativeness that was put into this series.  Now in book 3 I find myself not only still blown away but in full addict mode when it comes to getting my hands on the next book.  I know there are always many books I want but this series falls under the "I need it like I need air" category.

  The setting really changes with each book because the circumstances and stakes keep in changing.  Everything starts in this one in the cold and snowy South Dakota, in the mountains at that.  One of the things I truly admire about these books is the authors ability to change the setting yet keep everything so vivid.  I find many authors stick to the same place and it works but Nancy Straight chanced mixing it up with each book and each place and as far as I am concerned it seriously pays off.  When things are switched up from South Dakota and moved to Cancun I was all but in paradise with everyone.  Everything was so incredibly beautiful I couldn't help but be a little bit envious(especially seeing Drake was there and well... He's Drake).

  Cami never fails to amaze me.  She is a character of enormous strength and continual growth.  So many characters now rely on the guy to be the strong one or let their love blind them out of the truth but not with this girl.  Cami would rather stand by Drake and fight for their lives than stand by safe and watch him fight for her.  I have so much respect for her and though she thinks things through she is never afraid to fight for what is right, fight for what she believes in.  There are so many moments that I would probably be wishing things could just slow down for a day but Cami takes it all in and pushes through.  This isn't to say she doesn't have her own worries but really I cant even begin to think of the stress she must endure often.  Basically there is no other way to put it: this girl is kick ass and blows me away every time I read about her.

  Where do we go from Cami...Drake?  Daniel? Brent?  The new girls Jessica and Katherine?  Not to mention all of the favourites that make an appearance but don't fret about all the names Nancy has done such a great job designing, detailing and individualizing each character that I have never had a single problem remembering who is who.  I think I will chat about Brent because Nancy brought him in as the next brother to be introduced and though he was more than a little stiff to start he made a lot of change throughout the book.  Won't tell you what the big change was because that would ruin the book but it was HUGE!  Brent is also tied into Katherine, Daniel and Jessica because they spend some time away from the others in hiding.  Katherine and Jessica have been friends since they were children and despite the fact that both sides should not like each other they have created an I unbreakable bond that is quite amazing.

  The romance is not the main focus in this one but that is only because there is so much fast paced action going on and so much development.  That isn't saying that romance didn't play its part though because heck, everyone is finding their partner just some have to fight a little harder for it than others.  Cami and Drake have the fact that he is a full blown Centaur to worry about because Drake worries he will never be the man she needs him to be anymore but we hope for the best anyway and things happen....  Brent also had a huge choice to make in this book in the romance department and I will admit I was more than a little torn.  Last but not least there is Daniel... I seriously feel for him most of the time and the rest of it I just want to kick him in the butt!  After years of loving Cami he is kind of starting to move on, with Jessica in his sights but she is still a Centauride.  Needless to say this brings many problems and heartbreak to the table.  This however is something I am okay with because I admire that Nancy does not just hand happily ever afters out and makes everyone work a little for them.

  Telling you all that this book is my favourite from the series would be so hard because I treasure each book for its own reason and really love them all beyond words.  Yes I write the reviews and carry on and on but my reviews can not do justice to these amazing books.  I am looking forward to getting to know Bart and Ben better but I will admit a fascination with Ben so I am looking forward to him more.  There is a lot at risk now and though there may have always been, it's becoming more aggressive and everyone needs to be prepared to fight for their lives or loose them.  Do not hesitate to pick up this original and addictive series because it is more than worth it!  The only problem I have ever had with the series is that I have to wait for the next book!

  I looked into Drake's ice blue eyes.  They were narrowed from the cold and likely to close to being frozen that way.  I'd experienced his speed two nights ago, when we escaped the Centaur assault at Cameron's house, but it was still hard to wrap my mind around the idea that he probably came close to breaking the sound barrier getting here.

  Drake hadn't met Katherine, but he turned around to face her, and in doing so shoved Gage and Bianca into the wall.  "That's right.  I will fight to the death for Cami."  I couldn't be sure, but his tone sounded like a challenge of some sort, as if Katherine were the enemy.

  "Give us a minute."  Drake's lips were back on my neck sending more shivers through my body.  His lips caressed their way up to my ear, as his teeth grazed the tender skin of my ear lobe.  His breath was hot in my ear as he spoke the words in a heavy whisper, "Not now, but soon.  Very soon."  Drake thrust his body one more time against mine.  A combination of heat and tingles erupted inside me.  His hands slid down both my arms, as he took both my hands in his.  He brought my hands to his lips. "No one, anywhere, will ever love you the way I do."

  "Sorry?" Had he not gotten there quick enough?  Was it Beau?  Or Bart?  Had Will been hurt?  Before I frantically asked the question of who hadn't made it, Drake's face appeared through the trees, along with the rest of him.  All nine-hundred pounds of him stood before me in the moonlight - he towered above me, my Centaur Warrior.