
Tuesday, December 31, 2013


So I have been MIA I know.  First school detoured me, then the evil December (I really dislike December!) and then basically all things holiday took up an entire week.  Oh sure I have been reading and even wrote a few reviews, but it seems that extra step of scheduling the posts just never happened.  I also meant to say Happy Holidays and all of that jazz but once again it just never happened...  I could probably go on and on but you have heard enough excuses!  The bottom line is that life just happened and I missed my blog but in a way it was nice to not have to worry (even though I did EVERY DAY!!).  SO... Basically what this chalks down to is that starting after the new year, I hope to be blogging daily again!!! Hopefully you guys are still with me and I wish you all luck on the following Giveaways <3

Multi Swag (if number not stated there is only 1)

ReVamped Stickers x25
This is Not a Test Book Marks x 23
Cyn Balog Bookmarks x 11
St. Martin's Griffin Bookmarks x 3
Deviants Magnet x 3
ReVamped Bookmarks x 2
ReAwakened x 2
A Temptation of Angels Bookmarks x 2
Shadow Embraced Oversized Bookmark
Grave Mercy Bookmark
The Fallen World Trilogy Bookmark
Robert Liparulo Bookmark
Trylle Trilogy Bookmark
The Childe Bookmark
Torched Bookmark
Creatura Bookmark
Starters Bookmark
Nerve Postcard

Bookmarks (singles unless otherwise stated)

Knotted Roots (Signed)
Touching Saga
Never Let You Fall
Crash into You
Significance (x2)
Hidden Gates (x2 & x2 Postcards)
The Wild Wood x2
Unremembered x4
Hunger Games
Lacrimosa (Christine Fonseca bookmark set)
Disarming by Alexia Purdy
The Gathering Storm
Desolation Series
Hooked The Secret Diamond Sisters
Anew ReAwakened Postcard

   ...and then I got lazy... Guys this is A LOT of stuff to write everything out so I will post everything in pictures but am only going to list if there is doubles...


ReVamped by Ada Adams x 4
ReAwakened by Ada Adams x 4
Of Triton by Anna Banks x 3
Everblue by Brenda Pandos x 3
Evergreen by Brenda Pandos x 3
Insight by Jamie Magee (Oversized)
Recalled by Cambria Hebert (Oversized)
The Wild Ones by M. Leighton
The Last Dance by Kiki Hamilton
Ten/Possess by Gretchen McNeil
Immortal Heart
Blind Spot by Laura Ellen
Slide by Jill Hathway
Frozen by Melissa De La Cruz
Indelible by Lani Woodland
Field of Innocence 
The Dark by Heather Self
Star Cursed by Ashley Lavering


ReVamped/ReAwakened by Ada Adams x 3
Unremembered by Jessica Brody (these are actually samplers!) x 2
Mertales by Brenda Pandos x 3
Charmed by Cambria Hebert
Quicksbane by Chelsea Starling
M. Leighton Postcard 

ReVamped by Ada Adams x 4

Button & Others

  Once again guys you can see in the picture what everything is :)

And Then...

  I decided I need to get rid of ARCs...  Well I decided I need to do this awhile ago but the cost of getting them out in bunches is a lot.  So I have decided that this part has to be US/CAN ONLY.  I am willing to ship INT. provided that you help with the shipping.  Because they are ARCs it will be down to how much the shipping is and you can NOT buy them :)  I also ask that if you win one that you post a review... Even if it is just a few sentences because that's really what ARCs are for; reviewing.  The three that are in this picture that aren't up for grabs are The Ruining, The Secret Ingredient & Alice in Zombieland...  Sorry guys but these were gifted to me but one the upside that leaves A LOT to choose from!  I am not giving them all away right now but I will pick 2-4 winners to pick 1-2 books, it depends on how many entries we get. 

 I also am offering up this... (because I can't say no INTL, this is open to everyone!)

  Ya that would be a signed copy (PB) of Sweet Shadows by Tera Lynn Childs!! It is an AWESOME read guys!!! 


  Okay guys so here is how we are going to do this:

 The swag is INT.  there will be 10 winners.  Each winner will get to pick 1-5 pieces that they will find in their swag pack.  It can't be all from the signed or the random swag tho...  I want to be fair to everyone but it will be a first win first serve kind of thing.  The ARCs will be the same idea, first person gets first pick ect...  However, they will be US/CAN ONLY unless you want to help pay for shipping, so please keep that in mind when entering.  Last but not least there can only be 1 winner of Sweet Shadows and EVERYONE can enter that one.

Here is the last catch: 

  If you get me to 1000 followers by the end of January when this ends I will add more winners of ARCs, add more choices and open it up to INT entrants.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Weekly Report

Weekly Report is my way of showing you from week to week (most of the time) what new books I received and what has gone on in the past week. So basically it's a report for all the awesome that I got and shared! Originally I posted IMM by Story Siren this is just my version with a little extra ;) all book names take you to the Goodreads page.


From the used book store in town.

Bought from (I NEVER buy from there) & A Beautiful Dark was $5
NOT MARKED!  The Hidden was only $8 but sadly it is marked.

For Review

Thank you to Harper Collins for this beauty!!  I will be reading this baby next week.


Thank you Kismet blog tours and Harlequin Teen!!!! This was from
the Pawn by Aimee Carter blog tour <3

Thank you to Brenda from Crazy Four Books!!!  I won her Gratitude Giveaway
and sent her a few choices and asked her to surprise me and this is the pretty that
I got!!!!!  Make sure you guys go and check her blog out :)

Friday, December 20, 2013

*Review* Revelations by J.A. Souders

Release Date: November 5, 2013
Published By: Tor Teen
Length: 352 pages
Review Copy: From publisher for honest review


Buy it:

  Six weeks after her arrival on the Surface, Evelyn Winters is no closer to unlocking the memories lost in her subconscious than she was when she first came. Isolated in a strange new society, Evie has only Gavin Hunter to remind her of who she once was.

  But even with a clean slate, it’s easy to see that Evie doesn’t fit in on the Surface. And as her differences make her feel more and more alone, she can’t help but yearn for that place she doesn’t remember: the isolated city hidden in the depths of the ocean. Elysium. Home.

  But she can’t exactly tell Gavin what she’s feeling. Not when he’s the one who helped her escape Elysium in the first place, and has the scars to prove it. Though the doctors say otherwise, Gavin believes that Evie just needs time. And if her memories don’t come back, well, maybe she’s better off not remembering her past.

  But the decision may be out of their hands when Evie’s ever-elusive memories begin to collide with reality. People and images from her past appear in the most unlikely places, haunting her, provoking her…and making her seem not only strange but dangerous.

  Evie and Gavin can’t wait around for her memories to return. They’ll have to journey across the Outlands of the Surface to find help, and in the end, their search may just lead them back to the place it all started…

  Revelations was every bit as wonderful and creative as Renegade.  The story easily hooked me and because everything was on the surface and was something completely new.  Souders easily changed the scenery and recaptured my attention with a few new characters thrown in with the old.  However, I was most excited to see how Gavin and Evie were doing after their great escape.  There were hopes of things getting better on the surface, becoming a little less restricted but some things are just not meant to be.  Revelations lived up to its name and did not disappoint.

  You would think with their escape, things would get easier for Evie and Gavin.  You would be thinking wrong.  Evie' memory is almost completely gone and she suffers from black outs.  This makes life difficult for the pair to say the least.  There is a quick take off with the plot and it was easy to find yourself hooked within it wanting to help Gavin and Evie solve the problem she has.  Though in order to do so Gavin has to take a risk on someone that he swore he would never trust again and take his own risks to try and help.  Venturing into a world that is no longer safe, with a person that you are never quite sure what his intentions are, the pair are once again testing their limits.  There is nothing that could stop them, nothing that could separate the pair... though some things outside of expectations happen and it becomes anyone's game.

   Where as last time it took me a bit of time to warm up to Evie, this time I found my heart instantly going out to her.  She has no idea what she went through, no idea where she belongs and the only thing in her life that feels right is Gavin.  I can't imagine feeling out of place every day and when she expresses that she feels like a burden on more than one occasion, I could not blame her.  She wants to be able to help, to not be a constant worry to those that now love her, including Gavin.  Unlike most females in YA today however, Evie is reasonable about this.  That's not saying that she has become a push over because she will do things that she deems best but it is with a level head.  Okay so some of it seems a little crazy but where would be the fun in sane... well that and the entire situation needs a little crazy in order to be cleared up.

  I still really like the romance in this series.  It does not over power the story but is definitely there.  Though Gavin and Evie are facing strain in said romantic relationship, I think it's more Gavin's fault than hers.  It just seems like he is so afraid of hurting her, or triggering another memory or blackout that could ultimately hurt her.  I still like Gavin and on the surface he really does show Evie how far he is willing to go for her.  Though it takes some convincing and a few too many "incidents" he finally sees what is best for her and sucks up his pride in order to take her where they feel there will be more help.  There seems to be no limit to what he would give up in order for her to get her memories back and be happy... with him and on the surface.

  Souders is a phenomenal author and I without a doubt pick up anything that she releases.  The writing flows and her stories of this post-apocalyptic world will pull you in without hesitation.  I cannot wait to get my hands on the next one and see how everyone fairs because although the ending was not a complete cliff hanger, it did leave me wanting the next instalment.  I cannot put this one into a particular category and recommend it on that because honestly I feel Souders still has something original that everyone should give a try! 

She's homesick.  Even if "home" is the last word I'd use to describe Elysium.
  Hell.  Living nightmare.  Bottomless pit of everlasting tortures.  Those descriptions would fit a lot better, but it's not like she remembers what really happened. -Gavin

  He only pulls away for air, but every time, I feel like I'm drowning and hyperventilating all at the same time.  It's too much, yet not enough, and I never want it to stop. -Evie

  And while I can't help but think we should turn around,  curiosity has me gripped tight.  We push forward.  The closer to the center we get, the more haphazard the placement of the cars and status.  It is as if the child playing with his toys got tired of setting them straight and just tossed them about and left them however they fell. -Evie

  The way he says "little girl" sets my nerves on edge.  I narrow my eyes and purse my lips.  "My name is Evelyn Winters,  I am Daughter of the People of the great city of Elysium.  I am a guest of the St. James family.  You will not speak to me as if I'm some foolish young child..."  I look down my nose at him.  "... or an ordinary commoner."
  Where did that come from? -Evie

Thursday, December 19, 2013

*Review* Open Gates by D.T. Dylin ~A MUST READ TRILOGY~

Release Date:  December 19, 2013
Published By:  Dragonfairy Press
Genre: NA, Fantasy
Review Copy: Mobi, ARC from author


Buy It:

Bryn is gone. Jenna isn’t herself. And the world has been taken over by the alien Riders. The only constant in P.J.’s life is Khol. But even he might not be able to help her pick up the shattered pieces of her existence.

P.J. finally gets the answers to all her questions, but will she be able to handle the truth? And will she be strong enough to face her own destiny when the time comes?

  How do you properly tell someone about the ending of something that has pulled you apart and attached you to the characters in a way that you want nothing more than everyone's happily ever after.  There are just no words to describe all of the things that this trilogy that has made me feel.  With every book I found my heart breaking, mending and then falling into a millions little pieces.  Dara has almost pulled me apart emotionally with some of the downs across these books but she also has given so much to love.  There is humour and wonderful moments that combat the moments that made me want to just throw my poor kindle.  I am having a hard time figuring out how to let the love shine through and not ruin everything for all of you because this is a trilogy that you need to pick up.

  The plot in this one had to keep up a steady pace in order to get through everything and have the depth needed to make it the awesome last book that it was.  We start the final leg of P.J.'s journey in turmoil.  Not just a little bit but more to the point that she was loosing herself.  Everything she knew is basically gone and what she has left is falling apart right before her eyes.  There are things that could help but typical P.J. style she resists it every step of the way.  However, when it becomes clear that she must step up or loose everything, she does rise to the occasion.  There is minimal fight with the Riders but the solution does take a bit to come across and from an unlikely source, that turns out to be more than anyone else knew.  Oh ya, there is a lot going on and let me say I have never been so attached to my kindle because I was worried what the next BIG thing was going to be.

  P.J. was as spectacular as ever.  I seriously love this girl for her devotion, emotion and strength to continue even when she does not want to.  Now more than ever this she has a shit storm circling her and honestly I was not sure how she was going to make it through any of it.  There were some points where I could not fathom P.J. having to go through one more thing and then she would have yet another choice to make, or another issue to get over.  However, she does make it through and she deals with the heart break and the loss but she does have to give up more than I would have ever imagined.  There has been some sort of a test of strength and person in each book but this one proved to be a consistent test of everything.  P.J. will probably be one of my favourite NA chicks because she just felt real from start to finish... minus the not being 100% human thing but I loved that about her as well.

  The romance...  What can I honestly say about it because my opinion changed so much from the start of the trilogy until now.  However, I cannot deny that it was better than ever but still harder than hell.  As I said nothing is easy for P.J. EVER.  So no matter how much you think the end of the last book would simplify this book, it's just not that easy.  Kohl officially won me over though.  Not to say that he did not do some douche bag moves and that's not saying that I myself did not want to smack him a couple of times but I realized now more than ever that his feelings for P.J. are true.  They are not for power or pure sexual drive (though that alone might have made him worth it), his feelings for her were genuine.  I think that Kohl grew on me so much because there was a lot done with his character in this book.  He still has massive jealousy issues but I can't blame him to a point because of all that he has been through.  IN the end though who could deny the chemistry of either boy and I really think that she made the right choice, that Dara placed the right two together.

  Admittedly I was a little upset with the ever talented Dara for how she ended Broken Gates and was not sure how she could ever fix it.  However, she not only managed to fix it but she had me routing  for the team that I had never played for.  This series was the start of my new adult obsession and remains at the top of the list!  There is not a dull moment and every book was over far too soon as far as I was concerned but Dara did right by her characters and picked the path that almost left me in tears and yet it was the only real choice.  If you love new adult and fantasy I can't recommend this one to you enough.  Heck, if you are just looking for something different that will blow your mind I would practically shove you to this one (but I try to be a less violent person...).  Though I am extremely sad to see this trilogy end, I believe that the ending was fitting and almost bitter-sweet in a way.  Now I need get my behind in gear and pick up more by this talented author because I will just flat out miss her writing!

  I knew Kohl would follow me regardless that he disagreed with what I was about to do.  I knew he would follow me anywhere.  I was his queen and the woman he loved, and I wanted to be neither of those things.  Sucks for him.

  Kohl's large hands squeezed my thighs briefly before he slid up the length of my body.  "As you wish."  He murmured with a sly smile.
  Huh? Wait.  What?  And who did he think he was, Wesley from The Princess Bride or something?

Which was actually my last coherent thought.  Why do I keep being the stupid girl who loses consciousness all the time?

  "Everything's just so complicated, Jenna."  I started, but she most certainly didn't let me finish.
  "Well duh, life is complicated, and you're always so angsty and overly dramatic.  Watching you and your love life is like getting to see the real life version of a soap opera."

My chest bloomed with warmth as I confessed my feeling for him again.  "I want to show you how much again."  God, I was like a friggin' cat in heat.

~Book Blast~ Majra by J. Simon

“In distant Sa'bahr, divinely inspired lunatics spend their lives inscribing every story ever told upon the backs of giant tortoises. The tortoises spend their lives weeping, for they cannot read the wondrous tales written upon their own backs...” Aris has managed to live a quiet life, even in a stark desert land of glorious tales and beautiful lies, crazed artists and mad hermits. So what if he has a knack for tales? A mere messenger can't change the world. Mighty great works he'll leave to mighty great men. Now the soldiers of Majra have come to   pacify his “savage” people.
 Few dare stand against them. Certainly Aris never meant to. Taking work with the inavders was a way to help his family, not gain insights into the alien ways of their singular truth.
Beset by beguiling widows and vengeful plutocrats, firebrand Sheyks and  sword-tongued maidens, the choices Aris faces could save his land—or break it.
About the Author

J Simon is a small blue bird who has been published in magazines and anthologies ranging from Baen's Universe to Writers of the Future.  This surely indicates a lapse by the Guardians of Taste, and inquiries are being made.   There is also a very small chance that nuclear test fallout has transformed J Simon into a gigantic nuclear starfish poised to attack Tokyo, but these reports have yet to be confirmed.


Hosted by:

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: The Murder Complex

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

  An action-packed, blood-soaked, futuristic debut thriller set in a world where the murder rate is higher than the birthrate. For fans of Moira Young’s Dust Lands series, La Femme Nikita, and the movie Hanna.

  Meadow Woodson, a fifteen-year-old girl who has been trained by her father to fight, to kill, and to survive in any situation, lives with her family on a houseboat in Florida. The state is controlled by The Murder Complex, an organization that tracks the population with precision.

  The plot starts to thicken when Meadow meets Zephyr James, who is—although he doesn’t know it—one of the MC’s programmed assassins. Is their meeting a coincidence? Destiny? Or part of a terrifying strategy? And will Zephyr keep Meadow from discovering the haunting truth about her family?

  Action-packed, blood-soaked, and chilling, this is a dark and compelling debut novel by Lindsay Cummings.

Expected Release:  June 10, 2014

Published By: Greenwillow / HarperCollins
Length:  400 pages

Format: Hardcover, ebook

Why I am Waiting...

  1. I have been following Lindsay on Instagram for quite some time and well right from the start her enthusiasm had me excited.
  2. Read the synopsis and tell me that you aren't wishing that it was June 10th like yesterday so you could already be reading this!
  3. I have a thing for red covers...  I do not know why and well this one nailed it!! Heck just writing this I feel that I should be pre-ordering so that this eye catching red cover could be in my hands ASAP!
  4. I actually watched HANNA last night and just seeing it mentioned in the synopsis has me super excited for what sounds like it will be the dystopian/thriller of the YEAR!!

Are you excited for The Murder Complex?!
What are you waiting on?!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

~Tour Review & Giveaway~ My Name is Rapunzel by KC Hilton

Welcome to my stop on the My Name is Rapunzel tour!! I hope you enjoy
the review and don't forget to enter the giveaway!!!!

Release Date:  November 22,2013
Published By:  Createspace
Length:  302 pages
Review Copy:  Mobi, for honest review in tour


Buy it:

  My tale has been told again and again, and I’ve heard each one. Except for my hair, I barely recognize the pitiful renditions. Muddled versions, crafted to entertain laughing children…but the children wouldn’t have laughed if they’d known the real story. It wasn't their fault. They didn't know the truth. Nobody did.

  My name is Rapunzel. I will tell you my story. I will tell you the truth.

  I have been waiting for this one for... well since I found it and added it on Goodreads November, 2012.  It felt like forever but it was worth the wait.  The synopsis alone is enough to pull a person in and then you add the dynamite cover and no person could resist.  To top it all off this is about Rapunzel!  We have all see a bunch of Snow White and Cinderella but not the lesser known Rapunzel.   As the synopsis states, her story has been told many ways but it was not her story and this beauty has one heck of a story to tell.

  For the most part the story flowed well.  There was a few parts where I felt that it hit a slow spot or back tracked when it wasn't really needed but really because I was so pulled in by Rapunzel herself, I didn't mind.  There was a certain bitter sweet beauty to the story that my heart went out to.  However, there were certain things that I had figured out or had hoped that I was right about but maybe that was the part that pulled at my heart so hard.  Hilton seems to have this style of writing that will pull at you no matter what she is saying because her character was so well developed that you became a part of her, a fly on the wall watching her story unfold.

  Rapunzel was a unique character.  Many times we complain about character development but with this girl we have 250 years of development.  Lets face it, if this girl didn't grow over that long period of time it would have made for a rather boring novel.  Thankfully that is not the case and the girl that you end the story with is a far cry from the girl that you meet in the start.  The best part is, is that you get to hear about the different parts in her life that change her, the defining moments that either hardened her or made her kindness and beauty shine through.  There is not much to say about this girl that is bad because she most definitely has a big heart and though she is naive at times, it was forgiveable.  I personally liked that she wasn't perfect and didn't do some things that would have ended it all sooner, that's what made her the kind soul we expected.

  There were also other characters that were easy to like and some that you didn't know all that well yet they left an impression.  There was no small part in this book, everyone was there for a reason and you learned from them.  The romance was also not at the front of the story.  Oh sure it is the reason that the story took the turn it did but ultimately it is the heart break and isolation that lasts.  With the witch (Gretta) controlling every aspect of Rapunzel's life, there really wasn't the option for love.  Because of her curse no one can really stay a part of the story for long and that itself is heartbreaking.  Can you imagine how lonely life would be being the only one that never died, never aged?  However, that made the people that did manage to become a part of her life that much more important.

  My Name is Rapunzel was a wonderful read and I hope that Hilton continues to work with some of the less done fairy tales, because this was wonderfully unique.  Not everything was perfect but it worked and I can't say that I would change a thing.  This story was a true show of strength and how long the heart can hold on to the one it loves.  If you are a fan of a good retelling than you should not miss this one!!  KC Hilton has done a wonderful job and I will look for further work from her.  

  I used to think our love was written in the stars.  I dreamed that we'd sit beneath those stars and recount to our children one day.
  But fate had other plans.  And there she stood, panting at the tree line, her eyes fixed on her eternal prize.  Me.  Fate was enjoying her game.

Why did I ever agree to allow Gretta to live with me?  Why did my father want her here?  I should never have made that promise!
  Who in their right mind agreed to live with a witch?

  This wasn't fair!  And father thought I would be better off at the castle.  I was no better off at all.  I was still a prisoner, just in a prettier jail.  Looks could be deceiving. 
About the Author

Born and raised in Aurora, Illinois I spent my childhood climbing trees and playing street games with the neighborhood kids. I was a proud tomboy, until the day I didn’t want to hike the land to an old graveyard. From that point forward I was considered a “girl”.
At the age of seventeen I moved to Kentucky and eventually began to raise a family of my own. Having worn several “hats” my life has been an adventure all on its own. Still, to this day, I yearns to be a mechanic and owns a pink toolbox with pink tools.
I can usually be found updating my website, reading great books, watching awesome movies or creating videos for my YouTube channel. Most days I craves Diet Coke, pizza and chocolate, in no particular order.
I don’t read scary books or watch horror movies… I’m way too scared! Lol.
Find Her