
Thursday, March 20, 2014

*Review* Lumiere by Jacqueline E. Garlick + Giveaway

Please welcome debut author Jacqueline E. Garlick to the blog today!!
This is an author that you do not want to miss and it's not only because
the cover of her book is STUNNING!

Release Date:  December 12, 2013
Published By: Amazemo Books
Length:  335 pages
Review Copy: mobi. from Author for honest review

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One determined girl. One resourceful boy. One miracle machine that could destroy everything.

After an unexplained flash shatters her world, seventeen-year-old Eyelet Elsworth sets out to find the Illuminator, her father’s prized invention. With it, she hopes to cure herself of her debilitating seizures before Professor Smrt—her father’s arch nemesis—discovers her secret and locks her away in an asylum.

Pursued by Smrt, Eyelet locates the Illuminator only to see it whisked away. She follows the thief into the world of the unknown, compelled not only by her quest but by the allure of the stranger—Urlick Babbit—who harbors secrets of his own.

Together, they endure deadly Vapours and criminal-infested woods in pursuit of the same prize, only to discover the miracle machine they hoped would solve their problems may in fact be their biggest problem of all.

A captivating debut from Jacqueline E. Garlick!

 Though I love the genre I have not picked up many steampunk reads. Steampunk is not something I get to pick up often and I think that there is so much that can be done with this genre in YA because of that fact. Most of the ones I have I enjoyed, a few not so much but Garlick's Lumiere blew me away. It was beautifully crafted and easily became an addictive read.

There is so much detail put into the world building, that everything easily comes to life and pulls your imagination out. Right from the get go Garlick had interesting and unique events taking place, that just completely captivated me. Not to mention the steady progression of the plot. It seemed that nothing was ever going to settle and Eyelet was just not going to get a break. Every single time things seemed to be going in a manner, in which this girl would be able to move forward and do what she wanted a new twist was thrown at her. Not to mention that when you think that nothing else unusual can be going on or be added in... It will.  However, it is the manner in which Garlick wrote everything that made all of these twists, details and oddities easy to take in and enjoy.  

  Eyelet didn't pull me in right from the start but by the end her growth was so amazing, that I couldn't help but adore her.  I think what got me was her treatment or Urlick to start.  I mean they got off to a rough start and he had something that she truly believed she needed but I think her behaviour rubbed me wrong.  She was in a horrible situation, facing a huge loss and at the time he was her only hope and yet she seemed above him.  However, like many characters that I end up adoring once the reality of the situation sunk in and she realized Urlick was not at all bad, she warmed up.  This is not to say that she didn't still make attempts to do things her way and get herself into some trouble but if she gave that up she would have been boring.  I think many people will adore her from the start because she is a strong willed character.  What really brought me in was her big heart and the fact that she is willing to listen.  Honestly despite the rocky start with her for me, I can't imagine a more perfect main character for Lumiere than Eyelet.

  Though to start with I saw nothing ever happening romantically between Urlick and Eyelet, I was wrong.  However, this is because Eyelet came around to what a wonderful person Urlick is.  He may have been a little rough around the edges to start (he thought he kidnapped eyelet for heaven's sake), his true nature came through from the moment he gave Eyelet shelter.  He may have been pulled to her and her scandalously cut dress but it was the fact he knew without his home she could perish that proved he had a big heart.  The banter between the two was amusing and though there was a time that I questioned his sanity and motives, know that his intentions are better than they seem... mostly.  Know that though the romance is not a main pillar in this book, Garlick has added it in perfectly, with no disruption to all other events in the book.  Actually to be honest I love the development of the attraction between these two so much more because it was gradual and never consumed the story.

  Lumiere is a prime example of why I love Independent Authors and their hard work.  I will be avidly watching for the next book Garlick puts out, because if her debut was this outstanding how amazing will the books that come after be?  I actually feel that this review does not do this read justice and even went as far as to rewrite it several times trying to get it right.  If you are a fan of steampunk or want to give it a try I would highly recommend this book with zero hesitation.  With so much creativity, a steady and packed plot and a wonderful writing style, this book is not to be missed!!
The Illuminator.  The one he invented solely for me.  To try and put an end to this madness that plagues me.  To save me from a life locked up in an asylum.  The one he sold.  Before he bothered to fix me.  Then died, and left me here, still defective. 

  "I take it you can keep yourself busy in there until lunch is served?" Urlick continues, glaring at me, all hoity-toity like, and I've the urge to pinch the smug from his face.  How does he keep doing that, switching from nice to nauseous, in so few breaths?  Such talent this man possesses.

  I shouldn't have bothered the poor girl.  I should have listened to Urlick.  He's right; sometimes I do need to learn to mind my own business   just as my mother used to say.

About the Author

Jacqueline was nicknamed “Little Erin” (as in Erin Brockovich) after she took on her school board over being placed in black toxic mould and, well...lost. BUT if she hadn't lost, she's still be teaching with no time for writing, which would be the real tragedy because more than anything else in the world Jacqueline loves to write.

These days, she is affectionately referred to as the Quentin Tarantino of YA, known for her edgy, rule-breaking, Tim Burton-esque style of writing. Jacqueline likes gritty stories with beating hearts, dislikes wimpy heroines and whiny sidekicks, and loves a good tale about an irresistible underdog.

Lumière—a steampunk-fantasy, romance adventure—is Book One in her young adult Illumination Paradox Series.

Jacqueline is a graduate of Ellen Hopkin’s Nevada Mentoring Program, and has also studied under James Scott Bell, Christopher Vogler and Don Maass, where she was the 2012 recipient of the Don Maass Break Out Novel Intensive Scholarship. She is represented by Josh Adams of Adams Literary.
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Thanks to this outstanding author US/CAN residents will get the chance
to win a limited edition SIGNED copy of this beauty!! I am beyond jealous
and wish I could enter this one myself <3



  1. Holy Smokes! I want to read this book so bad! My friend has already read it and loved it. Thanks so much for the chance to win it! You rock!

  2. I Love the cover to this one, Beautiful!! I haven't read anything from the Steampunk genre. Which I am surprised that I haven't cause I love everything else that is Steampunk lol This sounds like an awesome read from an Amazing author! Thank you for the review, this is for sure going to be one to pick up ASAP! :)

  3. Smrt was actually the name of a villain from a short story I wrote once, so I know the meaning behind the name and I think this is simply the coolest! The book also sounds intriguing. Thanks so much for this awesome Indie month. I'm discovering so many new titles!

  4. This book sounds really interesting and WOW I love the cover! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  5. I adore this book. About 75% done and I don't want it to end. Nice review!

  6. I really, REALLY want to win this book!! I have been coveting it since the first day it was posted to Amazon and popped up as something I might like. I've heard nothing but (excellent) praise for the book and Jacqueline's writing! I commented on a post on her Facebook page recently and she sent me a DM that was just so friendly and kind... I was taken aback that she reached out to thank me for commenting, and also just at how NICE she was!! Anyway, thank you for featuring her during Indie Girl March (AMAZINGLY FABULOUS idea, by the way!) and for the great giveaway! Fingers remain crossed... ;-)

  7. Oh, I just have to jump in here and thank Tiffany for this wonderful review! And all of you for this wonderful banter about LUMIERE!!! So excited to hear you are reading and enjoying it! (YAY! Jumps around!!! THANK YOU!!!)
