So as the title states this is a Box-O-Books... This isn't just any box of books though this could be your box of books!! Truth be told there are some in here I have doubles of and others that I haven't read and probably wont. There are ARC's and Finished copies, New & Older books. The Iron Witch, Venom and Pushing the Limits are the ones I am sharing with you, There are MORE!! This box is too small for the ones I want to send out but there will be between 6-10 books in the box and maybe if the word gets out I will do 2!!! But that is only if word spreads and this gets big :D
So all you have to do is enter in the form below! Good Luck!!!
What would I do? Oh..what I would do!
ReplyDeleteProbs run around the house screaming then go to he shops and buy loads of snacks and some juice and make a little hidey hole in my room where I can sit, read, eat and drink to my hearts content when the books arrive!
Just checking..this is international isn't it? Or UK..please say it includes the UK!
If I won, I would probably scream. And cry. And make a big, huge scene. Then I would wait anxiously by the mailbox until my peeeertty new books came. Then once they got here, I'd scream, cry, and make a scene again. Then I'd read the books. And there would be LOTS of happiness. :)
Just a Booklover
I would problem count down the days until the box of books would arrive. Then I would shut myself into my room and read.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure I would squeal and check the mailbox everyday until it arrived.
ReplyDeleteRun around the house, jumping up & down, screaming "Oh my gosh, I won, I have books to read! Oh my gosh! YAY! YAY! YAY!" LOL Then I'd start reading & be really really happy.
ReplyDeleteI would be super happy if I won, and then when the books came I would try to have myself a little reading marathon.
ReplyDeleteIf I won the box I would be super excited and then I'd read them over the holidays :)
ReplyDeleteIf I won the books I would be so excited and would be sad every day it did not come.
ReplyDeleteI honestly wouldn't believe it if I won, I'd probably have a panic attack or something and then just jump for joy when recovering! :D
ReplyDeleteI would be so excited and read them all!!! Plus share a little with my girls in the book club!!!
ReplyDeleteOh Wow! First, I would do my happy dance! No, no one has ever seen it because I have absolutely no rhythm and may actually look a little like "Elaine" from "Seinfeld" when I do my happy dance! LOL. Second, I would gloat. To everyone in my family! See, see, see! I won a box 'o books! Neener, neener! Then, I'd feel bad and share them with those same family members, cause I'm like that. Thanks so much for making this giveaway possible! :o)
ReplyDeleteI would definitely do my happy dance and run around the house generally freaking out. It would be awesome. ^.^ Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Well, I really want VENOM by Fiona Paul, so I'd probably give the rest away (I aready know I'd give away Pushing the Limits since I have a copy!). But they'd split and go to three good bookish homes. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI would probably do a happy dance for winning pushing the limits!!! This is incredible, thanks so much for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI would be doing a lot of reading.
ReplyDeleteI'd love it! I'd definitely dance around for a while! haha
ReplyDeleteIs this international? =)
ReplyDeletei would be watching out the door for the package to arrive. I would, then, put the books in the order I would like to read them. I would pick up the first one and not quit until they were done. Thanks for the great giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI would have a major freak out moment. Then I would collect myself, tweet you a thank you, and start reading as soon as I get the box!! Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteBrittany S
What would I do? Probably squeal so loudly that all the neighbours on the street would hear me! That's an amazing prize, thank you so much for offering it!
ReplyDeleteWhat would I do? I would freak out! Or have a mini heart attack. :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for the awesome giveaway.
Squeal loudly and be in total shock that I won. Then proceed to countdown every day until the box comes. Then have a total mini reading marathon. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
ReplyDeleteJump up and down and say Woohoo!
ReplyDeleteI would definitely be checking the mail every day!
ReplyDeleteI would be crazy excited!!
ReplyDeleteWhat would I do? There would be loud noises and some frolicking around. Then I would devote way too many brain cells to figuring out what to read first, read the books, and review the books. Wooo!
ReplyDeleteJump up and down :) hahaha!! Thank you for the chance to win!!!
ReplyDeleteRead the books inside, of course ;P
ReplyDeleteI would jump up and down and scream if I win!
ReplyDeleteUm, I would probably squeal like a five-year-old girl. Then I'd Muppet flail.
ReplyDeleteOh, you mean once I received it? Haha. Well, I'd read them all. Then I'd keep the ones that spoke to my innermost being and give the others away. Gotta keep sharing the love, right? You'd make me happy, so it'd only be right to turn around and make other people happy.
As a teen librarian, I would share them with my teens at the library. After reading them.
ReplyDeleteI'd do a little happy dance!
ReplyDeleteI would absolutely share with my beautiful daughter, and we would BOTH be doing the *Happy Book-Lover's Dance*!! <3
ReplyDeleteMary DeBorde (M.A.D.)
If I won, I'd want to hug you like craaaaazy! Then jump up and down and admire the books, pet their covers and probably sleep with all of them ;) LOOOOL
ReplyDeleteIf I won, I'd go around the house screaming excitedly and jumping up and down and pretty much annoy my family with my happiness.
ReplyDeleteThen I'd ignore homework and read.
Cry, scream, do a little dance with some jazz hands, scream some more. Holler and shout and sing. Do some tap dancing. Grab my hubby and dance around with him a little bit. Then plop right down in the floor and start reading.
ReplyDeleteI WOULD JUMP AND DANCE! I would really like to win this one too so I can give some of the books as gifts for this coming holiday season.
ReplyDeleteI would scream and shout and make my family think I was even crazier then they already think I am.
ReplyDeleteI would jump around and be so happy if I won. I would also have a few new books to read and review and I would be in heaven. If I won this box of books Christmas would be early this year.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance & the amazing giveaway.
I would totally squeal. Make people question my sanity.
ReplyDeleteI'd just cry of joy
ReplyDeleteIf I won that box? I would go crazy with excitement. Like legit running, squealing, jumping from wall to wall. That type of crazy. Tears of joy would possibly result as well. XD
ReplyDeleteI mean, Venom and Pushing the Limits?? SQUEE Those are amazing I've heard. I'd love to read them. So if I did end up winning, I'd most likely be found sipping hot cocoa and reading away, book after book after book. Cookies would be lovely, too. Nothing is better than books and cookies.
Jump around!!!! Jump jump jump around!! :) I'd be so excited. Winning is always fun, but getting a box of ya books in the mail would be mind blowing.
ReplyDeleteI would freak out!
ReplyDeleteHey! Long time follow here (:
ReplyDeleteIf I won the box, I would freak out in a good way, because that would be a ton of ARCs for my charity program. I'm laying off contests for myself for a while and entering for my charity event to get books for impoverished children. This one's for them haha. I see amazing ones like PUSHING THE LIMITS and VENOM clearly and I loved both those books, so I think they'd be good additions for the kids (: Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I would most likely run around screaming, scare the neighbors cat in the process, and then lock myself away to read.
ReplyDelete-Michelle H
I'd probably scream and do a happy dance while my kids stared and wondered what was wrong it me like they usually do :)
ReplyDeleteBook the week off work so I can start reading!
ReplyDeleteWow! That's a lot of books!
ReplyDeleteI'm silly, because I read "What would you do if you won the box of books?" and my firest reaction was... read them? But now I see what you mean. Probably start salivating haha. I can already see Venom and Pushing the Limits and I want to read both of those so badly.
ReplyDeleteUmm.. I would probably stalk the mailman until the package came :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI would squeeeeel like a baby piggie ;)
If I won...
ReplyDeleteI would promptly dance around - Gangnam style and do the Locomotion like there was no tomorrow. Also, I would kiss ALL my family, I'm making no exceptions, and mostly I would be VERY, VERY happy :D
I would first scream, then I would tear into the box to see what all was in there, savoring each and every title, I am sure. I would then send you an awesome thank you! After that I would lock myself in my bedroom and just READ!!!
ReplyDeleteIf i won i would jump and and down!
ReplyDeleteRead them and blog about them. Simple, I know.
ReplyDeleteStart to plan in which order I would be reading the books that came in the book!! :)
ReplyDeleteWoot! Nothing better than winning a surprise box full of books! It would be better than Christmas :)
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! This is an amazing giveaway! I think winning will feel like Christmas morning like when you're a kid!!!
ReplyDeleteTwo words: FREAK. OUT. and then obsess over them when they arrived :P
ReplyDeleteThanks for the amazing giveaway!
Rabiah (name on Rafflecopter)
If I won the books, I'd read the books! ;D
ReplyDeleteBefore that, I'd freak out about winning. Jumping around and shouting in excitement will probably be involved.
I would spend a weekend in bed reading :)
ReplyDeleteWoW!! I would totally hug that box of books! And maybe even my little "got a package of books in the mail" dance!! I would so sit on my couch and not get up till they are all read!!
ReplyDeleteI would freak out and then try to read them all at once :)
ReplyDeleteIt would just make my day!
ReplyDeleteI would probably jump up and down, and stare at the books.
ReplyDeleteI would then try to pick one and read it....
Probably freak out and then read all the books when they arrive! THANKS!
ReplyDeleteWhat would I do if I won the box? Well, I would do a celebratory dance, and thank you very much! I would post excitedly about the box on my blog once I received it in the mail. I would then read and review each book! It'd keep my tided over as far as reading material for a while, and that's a lovely thing :)
I would flail.
ReplyDeleteI would be so excited if I won the box, I don't even KNOW what I would do :)
ReplyDelete-Amber Terry-
I would probably be super excited :D and check the mail every day
ReplyDeleteI'd probably faint.
Spend my christmas vacation reading! :)
ReplyDeleteI would add it to my school's library.
ReplyDeleteMel B.
I would probably dance because this is quite an amazing box of books! :)
ReplyDeleteI would probably weird my roommate out by dancing around the room and then proceed to lock myself in my room for a couple of weeks while I read and review the books...yeah that sounds pretty accurate!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the awesome giveaway!
I would read 'em! :D
ReplyDeleteJump for joy and run around in circles in complete excitement :)
ReplyDeleteJolene A
I jump for joy!
ReplyDeleteI would scream, cry, giggle a little....and then read them of course!
ReplyDeleteStep 1) Do a jig! Step 2) Hound maillady until it came Step 3) Open box! Step 4) READ READ READ Step 5) share... my bookshelf is open for all my friends/family to borrow from.
ReplyDeleteIf I won that wonderful box of books, I would probably jump up and let a winning yell of triumph that would scare my dogs from coming near me again for the rest of the day. Then I would brag to my friends and probably get a lot of people wanting to borrow my wins after I have a chance to go through them. And finally I would lose myself in the pages once I got my hands on those books. :) Thank you or the awesome giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI would check the email two or three times to make sure I was reading it right, then I would probably jump up and down.
ReplyDeleteI would freak out from winning such an awesome prize! Then I'd tell my book buddies and share the books with them so we could all chat about them together~<3 Thank you for the amazing giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI would probably jump up and down! Great selection! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI'd do a happy dance!
ReplyDeleteI would squeal!!!!
ReplyDeleteI would say thank you and then I would SHARE the book joy with my book loving friends :-)
ReplyDeleteI would do a happy dance! Then I would divvy up the books with my 21 yr old daughter.
ReplyDeleteI'd probably jump up and down so much that i'd break the floor
ReplyDeleteWow! What a great giveaway and extremely generous!! Thanks so much :) I would definitely try to find a home for them on my shelf and also share with my girlfriends :) :)
ReplyDeleteIf I won I would shout for joy and check the mail every day until they got here and then I would love them and give them a good home.
ReplyDeleteI would dance around! But you wouldn't want to see that! Thanks for the giveaway
ReplyDeleteWhat I'd do? Spend all my time reading of course!
ReplyDeleteId be speechless!
ReplyDeleteSqueal a lot. Then read them as fast as humanly possible
ReplyDeleteYeah...I would love to win a box of books!!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh I would be so excited if I won this. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteI'm getting excited just looking at the box. ^_^ If I won this I'd probably take a picture of the box and frame that picture.
ReplyDeleteI'd probably explode of excitement ;) (I hope not! lol)
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure I would squeal and check the mailbox everyday until it arrived.
ReplyDeleteIf I won I would be amazingly excited! I would then share my good news with all of my friends...even though they would probably just laugh at me :) Then I would check the mail twice a day until the package came!
ReplyDeleteCount me in please! If I won, I would be extremely thankful, as I'm low on reading material right now.
ReplyDeleteRead all the books!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIf I won, I'd be so happy! I love books.
ReplyDeleteI would be soooo happy! And then I'd have to blog about it, because I'm obsessed with blogging. :D
ReplyDeleteIf I win the box of books, I would save the ones that I have not read yet, and I would donate the others to a teen reader who LOVES reading. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteIf I win the box of books, I'll probably do a happy dance around my office. :) Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteIf I win the books, they will be read immediately and displayed proudly on my shelf :)
I'd read them, of course! (:
ReplyDeleteI would freak out and do a silly dance! Then, ofcourse, read them :)
ReplyDeletesqueal and jump up and down for about 30 minutes
I would be so excited, and would sit down to read them over my Christmas break :)
ReplyDeleteProbably freak out and run around them house screaming and jumping up and down. And when I get really excited I start to cry... I'm really not sure why it happens it kinda just does haha
ReplyDeleteProbably squeal, do a little happy dance and then run and tell everyone else in the house.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'd give you my first born child or at least name the baby after you. Then I'll do a creepy book dance because of the awesome-ness of this giveaway.
ReplyDeleteIf I win, I would be jumping up and down and doing a little "Chandler" dance! (yeh, I tend to do taht when I am super happy, LOL)
ReplyDeleteI would just go Eeppppppp!!!
ReplyDeleteI would squeal and do a happy dance...which mostly consists of excited flailing around.
ReplyDeleteI would go through the box with some friends and start reading :0)
ReplyDeleteIf I won the box, I would shriek loudly with surprise and delight! What's better than getting books? Nothing! Especially YA and fiction and free! It would be like Christmas morning for me! :)
ReplyDeleteCall in sick to work, lock myself in my room and read myself into a coma :)
ReplyDeleteI would absolutely jump up and down while screaming!! Thanks for the great giveaway :))
ReplyDeleteThe biggest happy dance EVER. This would be so freaking amazing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this generous giveaway!
I would be incredibly excited about the wonderful stories I'll be able to dive into and the joy I can share by passing the books on once I've read them!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
I would probably get an email while I'm at work (since that's when I check). And everyone around me will think I've finally lost it for going around with a huge smile on my face!
ReplyDeleteI think I'd scream! Then I'd read Venom right away and let my friend borrow Pushing the Limits because I've already read it and loved it! (I'd demand it back, though, because I don't have a copy of my own!) I'd seriously be so happy if I won this giveaway. Thanks so much! :-)
ReplyDeleteLol if I won those books- I'd read them! :)
ReplyDeleteI'd squeal!
ReplyDeleteThere would most likely be some screaming and happy tears involved! Then lots of reading!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway opportunity!
Feel like a very lucky girl....then read them and possibly review some of them at Stiletto Storytime as well. Thanks for the chance.
Stiletto Storytime
I would freak out... and probably be in shock that would finally get to read this story. :DD
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that I would pass out at first!! Then be all "OMG I WON SOMETHING!?" *SQUEEEEEEE* then tell my best friend. lol.
YA Vixens
Read and review them! Share the books with my twin sister and then put them on a grand shelf of arcs in my house! :) I'd be soo thrilled that I won an extraordinary prize :P