Tuesday, June 25, 2013

**REVIEW** The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die by April Henry

“Take her out back and finish her off.”

She doesn’t know who she is. She doesn’t know where she is, or why. All she knows when she comes to in a ransacked cabin is that there are two men arguing over whether or not to kill her.

And that she must run.

Release Date: June 11, 2013
Published By:  Henry Holt and Co.
Review Copy: ARC, 213 pages
**Provided by Raincoast
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   I had never heard of April Henry before and I don't know how because this girl can write.  This was a nail biting page turning thriller that had me on the edge.  I was all but instantly pulled into the drama and intensity of this one.   You are never quite sure who you can trust and who will be the next one to deceive you.  It's extremely easy to get wrapped up in this one and to be honest I for once didn't think about the end game but lived in the moment right along with the people in the story.

  Despite having a kind of amnesia Cady was a strong character right from the get go.  This girl had taken a serious beating and yet she still manages to kick butt.  The best way to describe it would be she had a drive, a drive to find out who she was/is and why people are after her.  With Cady and her condition the best thing was that there was room for interpretation and wiggle room for the truth or at least the author gave you the feel of that from time to time.  Though she wasn't overly complex there wasn't anything unrealistic about her either.

  Ty was a debatable character for me to start.  For the life of me I couldn't figure out why a boy that was barely making it himself would take the risks he did.  I understood getting her out of the original situation but when it became dire and dangerous why not bail?  I mean he barely knew the girl.  This changed for me when he told Cady his story.  I think when you have to deal with a crappy situation and you recognize another person is in one you want to help and once you're in it that's that.  Ty was basically you sweet do good, feel good kind of guy.

  There wasn't much room in the plot for romance and the author didn't try and force it in there, which was a huge relief.  Once you get your hands on this one you will understand why.  Between the chance that Cady is crazy and the people that are chasing her kicking up dust and causing problems.  Sometimes the bad guys came off a little standard but they are bad guys and for whatever reason most of them follow the same jagged outline.  They did manage to create a few heart racing moments that had me holding my breath.

  The fact that is read this in a span of a couple hours because I was pulled into the simple, yet involved thrill of this one speaks volumes to me.  It was just what I needed and if you are looking for something mystery/thriller that is easy to get into and read, this is your book.  I personally enjoyed it and hope more people pick this one up to enjoy.

Is that who I am?  A crazy girl in a mental hospital?  So crazy that she killed a man and then made up a story for herself so she wouldn't have to think about the ugly reality?

I wanted so badly to be that girl again.  The girl I used to be.  The girl I don't remember. The girl who smiled and had something to celebrate.

I scream. "Ow!" Don't act. Be.  I take all the fear and pain I've felt in the last twenty-four hours and channel it until I can't tell where the past leaves off and now begins.  "Ow!" I stretch it out until its practically a yodel.


  1. Wow, I don't know how I haven't heard of this! I love it when I can pick up a book and get through it in a few hours. I'll have to put this on my TBR list!

  2. I have heard about this book a TON in the past 2 weeks. I wasn't so sure about it, at first. But then, as happens quite often, I started reading reviews and my mind changed. Yours is just the icing on the change cake. So, thank you!

  3. Sounds like quite a read! I love good thrillers and I'm definitely adding this to my TBR list! :)


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